The agitation and aeration in the antibiotic fermentation is an important factor of oxygen supplies. 抗菌素发酵罐的通气和搅拌是影响对发酵液氧供应能力的重要因素。
The result of experiments indicates that primary aeration levl is main factor on emission of NOx, and that the relation between the primary aeration level and NOx emission is different in case of gas burning at closed chamber and open space. 大量的实验研究表明,一次空气是NOx生成的最主要影响因素,一次空气对于燃气在封闭空间内燃烧的NOx产生与在大气中燃烧的NOx产生有不同的影响。
Facing upon the membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor, a novel aeration and filtration unit was developed, aiming at effectively enhancing flux as one factor and considerably providing the oxygen in the need of microorganism as the other one. 针对膜生物反应器面临的膜污染问题,开发一种新型的曝气过滤元件,该元件一方面可恢复元件污染造成的通量的下降,另一方面可有效补偿微生物反应过程中对氧的需求。
The research showed that the intermittent aeration processing is better than Circled-flow and is energy saving. ( 4) Low temperature is a restrictive factor on purification of turtle-breeding wastewater by economic plants. 间歇曝气比循环水流对TN和TP有更好的去除效果,且运行能耗较低。(4)低温对经济植物净化甲鱼养殖废水的能力成为一个限制性因素。
Results are as follows: First, COD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus removal had little difference under different aeration rate, and carbon source was the limiting factor of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. 主要结论如下:1.不同曝气量对系统有机物、TN和TP的去除效果影响较小,进水碳源成为限制脱氮除磷效果的关键因素。